Dental aligners belong to a group of orthodontic appliances that use mechanical force for the purpose of straightening teeth. In contrast, traditional braces and retainers operate with metal clasps or wires that are connected to brackets attached to tooth roots. The main material used in aligners is a type of plastic called polyethylene terephthalate, which is also known by its acronym PETA. By using dental aligners at SmileStyler, you can straighten your teeth without metal wires and brackets. Your teeth are attached to a series of springs using dental aligners. Here are some of the reasons why you should use dental aligners instead of traditional braces.
Dental aligners may be lighter than traditional braces. The springs used in aligners are the same ones that support necklaces and bracelets. These springs are flexible, so they make light of the weight placed upon them. Traditional braces are made up of metal wires that can make your mouth feel heavy by preventing you from chewing or talking properly. Your jaws also may become sore in the process.
No Wires
Apart from a few exceptions, alignment appliances that use wires are not safe to be used by patients who have metal allergies or medical conditions such as arthritis. Since there are no wires involved in the process, dental aligners can be safely used by patients who experience numbness, swelling, or pain after contact with metal objects. The absence of wires also makes it easier to get dental aligners for children and pets alike. When other children or pets come into contact with dental aligners, the device can be easily cleaned.
Minimal Contact
Since there are no metal wires and brackets in the aligner process, the mouth is not covered by metal braces or a piece of tape where a patient can encounter discomfort from physical exposure to these objects. By using dental aligners, you avoid any complications linked to metal wires and brackets such as dental infections and allergic reactions that occur when patients touch metals such as nickel. The absence of wires also creates reduced risk of this type of allergic reaction, which may happen when patients come into contact with metal wires.
No Need for Brackets
Unlike traditional braces that require brackets to be attached around the teeth and roots, dental aligners do not usually need brackets to hold them in place. In cases where a patient must have brackets attached to his or her teeth, aligner springs can help the dentist or orthodontist determine the place where these attributes will be used. Dental aligners also can be used to help align the teeth in cases where traditional braces do not.
More Cost Efficient
Dental aligners are cheaper to make and much more cost-efficient than traditional braces, which require expensive materials, moulding, and production processes. In fact, you can use dental retainers to straighten your teeth at much cheaper costs. This is because the material used in both medical appliances is the same.
You should use aligners if you want to straighten your teeth without metal wires and brackets. You do not have to compromise on the positive benefits of aligners unless you are allergic to metals or have medical conditions that prevent you from having metal wires and brackets in contact with your mouth. There are many other different types of appliances that straighten teeth and that also do not involve metal elements.